Saturday, January 30, 2010


Published by Sarah Sovereign at 11:18 AM

This video of nature's cycle. (Link via Marvelous Kiddo.)


This mushroom wall decal from Fawn & Forest.


Look at that yellow! These beautiful pieces from Up In the Air Somewhere. (Link via Decor8.)

My Friday

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 10:52 AM

Last night Jamie and I wandered over to Jenn and Justin's, with Brad and Regina and Dairy Queen blizzards, and played Rock Band, wherein I did my best ever Dolly Parton impression whilst harmonizing with Kenny Rogers in "The Gambler". I've been staying up rather late these last few nights trying to get all my various projects organized and completed, and I crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow and had the most amazing sleep ever.

Yesterday, on my way to pick up 120 film for my medium format project, I found myself meandering into The Body Shop with every intention of not buying anything. I left with a seriously discounted makeup kit, complete with awesome lip gloss, blush and brushes, face powder, and my very first bottle of grown up perfume (uh, perfume that comes in a bottle and not in lotion form!) : Love, Etc which kind of rocks my world. Still reshooting to do on the stop motion awesomeness, followed by those road pictures (it's pouring rain today, and I have to figure out why in the world my work pants take 48 hours to hang dry before my shift this afternoon. IT'S A 48 HOURS MYSTERY. Hah.) followed by an oral presentation on Post-Colonial Theory, but preceded by the completion of Daphne Du Maurier's Jamaica Inn and some tea. Ahhh, Saturdays.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Little Brown Owl

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 3:48 PM

I've been super busy with school projects this past week -- I've been sewing thread onto a map of Canada, and coming up soon I'll be taking various pictures of highways and road ways and tiny little toy cars. NOT TO EVEN MENTION! I'll be using a medium format camera on the 26th to do some staged portraiture in the woods. I even splurged on a roll of colour 120 film, which I've heard is harder to work with, but will look so amazing if I can get it to work right. And beyond that, I've been working on a little stop motion movie for a studio work due February 8th, and then up in the University art gallery in April.

I have some big pieces to reshoot. I showed what I had so far to Jamie and Brad yesterday and they had some constructive input about the storyline, so I'll be reshooting little portions. I'm no stop motion master, but for my first stop motion experiment, I'm pretty happy with it. Everything was shot with my Digital Rebel XSI and is currently being patched together with Power Director, to the soundtrack of Mozart's Violin Concerto 23.

Below are some pictures from the little set I made... which is actually just my bedroom without my clothing strewn all around and random books thrown about.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Awesome tights!!

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:58 PM

Les Queues de Sardines ... so pretty and awesome! (Link via Design Is Mine)


Tomorrow I am...

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:28 PM

1. Writing a short assignment on the recent Reach Gallery exhibition.

2. Getting an oil change! My poor little car is just slightly overdue for one.

3. Making a short stop animation video for an Art History class, using the little guy below.

4. Taking a roll of film for my liquid light photography assignment -- which, eventually, will be a mixed media piece with fabric, photography, and thread.

5. Planning out some upcoming photo shoots ... about six are planned for right now, with no set dates. SOON!

    Saturday, January 23, 2010

    Happy Saturday!

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 11:05 AM

    I'm just about to head out to this art gallery, but I wanted to post these awesome things from Anthropologie!

    Friday, January 22, 2010

    Bang! (Parade of Fools)

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 10:45 PM

    BANG! (Parade of Fools) detail, installation shot, up to 30' x 10' x 10', 2009
    (from Kimberly Henessey, who blows my mind with her amazing sculpture work.)

    Thursday, January 21, 2010


    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 11:03 PM


    {Nicole. 2009.}

    Unaffordable Apartment Ideas.

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 9:57 PM


    (Images via Desire to Inspire)

    Inspiration : Goldfrapp

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:03 AM

    Goldfrapp plus an owl = one of my most favourite things ever. AWESOME.

    (Images from Google Images)

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    The Balloon Lady!

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:38 AM

    Way back, last spring, I took pictures of my friend Jenn with a whole mess of helium filled balloons. These images lead to the Sarah Sovereign Photography logo, which you see at the main splash page. They hold a special little place in my heart because it was both my first time working with Jenn AND my first time working with the amazing Crystal McHargue, with whom I now collaborate often. (She particularly enjoys asking models to contort their bodies into never before seen positions... it may be incredibly, back bendingly painful, but it looks great FOR THE SAKE OF FASHION!)

    Below are some new images from the photo shoot that I don't think I've ever posted before.

    PS: Went to see Avatar tonight in 3d with Jamie... the story itself was not bad, but the 3d was awesome... particularly when watched with old skool looking 3d glasses that come complete with warning labels against wearing them as functional sunglasses. Aww yeah!

    Tuesday, January 19, 2010

    Fey Handmade

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 1:00 AM

    Delightful awesomeness at Fey Handmade.



    Monday, January 18, 2010

    He took half your leg and both your lungs

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 10:59 AM

    1. Pegs by Lauren Jack.

    2. This beautiful cover of Flume by Bon Iver.

    3. How to make a paper boat. ... in case you were wondering. I know I was!

    4. This inspiring journal by Penelope Dullaghan.

    5. I love Neko Case! Below is her video for Maybe Sparrow!

    Sunday, January 17, 2010

    Some lovely things...

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 1:31 PM

    1. Fantastic way to organize ideas and projects over here at the Small Object. I generally jot my ideas down in a multitude of notebooks -- I buy one, and then fill it to the brim with sketches and notes while planning photo shoots ... but this would work great for me, too. Likewise with the organization of addresses... I can't even begin to tell you the amount of address books I go through.

    2. Really want these fabric banners from Maileg for the new place.. or to make them myself out of my random scraps of fabric laying about. I wonder what Jamie would say about this... hmmm.

    3. Envelope template! YES. {from Twine}

    4. A Beautiful Scrap Paper Project from lovelydesign. It makes me want to send random things out by mail to people.

    5. I finally got around to watching Chocolat, with Gen when she was visiting. We bought ourselves a mountain of chocolate, settled down with some quilts, and immersed ourselves in the movie. It was lovely! In the spirit of chocolate, here is Bread and Honey's hot cocoa recipe.

    6. It's also my mom's birthday! Happy Birthday, mom!

    {from the Things Found In Books series ... I love this picture so much. Found in a book about how to Care for Parrots, and I am pretty sure, one of the only finds I ever culled from a secondhand book during my brief couple of months in data entry management at The Book Man. :) }

    Romp : Adorable little kid's things.

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:34 PM

    With the baby wave hitting all my nearest and dearest, I've been taking a closer look at some of the amazing little kid's stuff out there. Romp kind of blows my mind -- here are some of my favourites from their store.


    Friday, January 15, 2010


    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 4:21 PM

    I'm in the process of doing update work around the site as I've got quite a bit I've been meaning to add these last few months. For starters, I've added some more work to the Art / Print section -- take a look at some of the poster and bookmark design I've done throughout this past year. Missing is the Book Man ad campaign I shot this past August (watch for print ads in newspapers throughout this year -- at least two have already been published.) as well as the work I did for No More Medea, a Bootstrap Theatre Production from this past spring.

    Coming in the next week or so: Singles Part Two, the Little Red Riding Hood portrait shoot set, and babies galore. Wooo!

    Bookmarks are currently available at The Book Man! There are 10 so far, so collect'em all!

    First Aid Kit - Hard Believer

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:28 PM

    My mind's racing from chasing pirates.

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:13 PM

    1. I love the idea of making mixed tapes, such as Bleubird Vintage. A list of all her current mixed tape awesomeness can be found here. I often send mixed cds to Alicia and my cousin Melissa, and some of the tracks currently waiting to be burned for them include: Black River Killer - Blitzen Trapper, Lullaby for Grown Ups - Ane Brun, Oh! Mama by Alela Diane, Good Morning Heartache - Billie Holliday and Howl - Florence and the Machine.

    2. My prints from My Folk Lover came and they are currently propped up, soon to be framed, next to my little computer desk. So beautiful!

    3. I am constantly at work on random art projects and seemingly random events and I've got a couple in the works right now. Firstly, the Fairy Tales and Fables photo shoots will be starting up again in the next little while, with a Snow Queen and Snow White shoot planned for some point in the vague future. Come summer, however, we will be working at a night photo shoot, with homemade lighting, glitter, and gold masks. If you're in the Fraser Valley and interested in helping out, leave a comment.

    4. Tumblr! I finally signed up, inspired by Neets, and my Internet meanderings can be currently found here, or by clicking the link under "Find Me Elsewhere" on the sidebar.

    5. Speaking of Florence & The Machine, how fantastic is this picture?

    (Source : Google Images)

    Thursday, January 14, 2010

    Very in love with...

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 9:56 PM

    1. This steampunk inspired wedding photographed by Christine Farah, as posted on Green Wedding Shoes. Do you see that birdcage? AHHHH. Awesome.

    2. Unique Vintage. A great place to find flapper dresses! ... if you base buying one on the fact that everyone should probably have a flapper dress. Just for, y'know. Life. 

    3. Also, check it out : An Alice In Wonderland themed wedding!

    4. I ordered some prints online recently, and coming soon via mail to me should be here soon! I ordered them from the super talented Catharine Campbell over at My Folk Lover. SWOONS.

    5. These pictures I took a few days ago of my dear cousin Genevieve, who is prancing about on Australian soil as we speak, cavorting with kangaroos and great barrier reefs. We took them over in Harrison Hot Springs, just in between rainstorms, dredging the very last bit of light out of the day for our photo-taking amusement. The outfit is totally thrown together... I enjoy that jacket so much, incidentally.


    Look out for all those vermicious knids...

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 1:08 PM

    Going to see this, ever so soon. Cannot wait!

    Dream Apartment Part 23: DREAM PLATES. ... and some other stuff because I got carried away with the fantasticness.

    Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:04 AM

    I love this dinnerware set from Anthropologie... I can just imagine arranging little beautiful dinners on it... of discounted macaroni and cheese because obviously we've spent our grocery budget on dish sets and shipping. And yet still. It would be totally worth it. See below for the dream dishes, as well as some other home decorating awesomeness that has caught my fancy. For instance, that bedding way down there at the bottom? YES. If I knew I could get away with it financially I'd be all over that in a hot minute. Mmmmm, quilted bedding in bright colours.

    (All images from Anthropologie, images link to corresponding pages.)

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