Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This year I ...

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 12:55 AM

1. Plan on experimenting with performance and video art. This will go far beyond my 10 year old attempts at performance art, which mostly consisted of me singing the Batman theme song over and over and over again in a spandex unitard while doing strange squatting dance moves I made up outside of jazz class. Don't even get me started on my days as a roller blading, Elvis Presley singin' preteen who knew all the words to Suspicious Minds, and sang them, in front of others, on a regular basis.

2. Will get back to work on my reading list. Right now I am reading Dreamdark Blackbringer, a YA book I picked up forever ago, and The Tale of Despereaux. Remaining on my list (someday I'll craft a definitive one in my OCD list-making manner) is The God of Small Things, Winnie the Pooh, Treasure Island, Jamaica Inn, To the Lighthouse. This is likely to change and shift with time though, because sometimes, when I pick up a book on my list, my eyes wander over to my beat up copy of the Hobbit, or A Fistful of Sky, etc, and I end up re-reading something awesome and comforting. Incidentally, the audio book version of The Hobbit is a lot like a fluffy blanket and a hot fire and a big mug of spiced tea all rolled into one. You should grab it if you find it!

3. Will create a field guide. When I was visiting with Alicia this past December it kind of popped into my mind. Both her and I tend to pepper our living spaces with random pieces of memorabilia and fantasticness (or so think I ... not all would treasure my collection of vintage tins or ceramic owls, after all.) and I think the idea of putting little collections of plants and feathers and skeleton keys, bits of lace and old photographs into one great big leather bound book might be one of the funnest things ever.

4. Regrow my garden, speaking of plants and feathers and etc. I may once have worked as a gardener, but I tend to kill a lot of my plants throughout the year. This year I'm really determined to keep an herb garden, however, and grow little violets and geraniums. Geraniums are like little pieces of sunshine in photo shoots, incidentally.

5. CITYWIDE SCAVENGER HUNT! If you match this with the title line for this post, it doesn't even make a proper sentence, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be so awesome that random people will just start bursting out in the middle of conversation. And maybe scavenger hunt isn't the right terminology... treasure hunt may be more apt. Anyways, I'm crafty with my crafting of plans...

6. Light photography. I'd like to invest in some more lighting equipment, and try some outdoor stuff at night inspired by the work of Rune Guneriussen. I will also be photographing Fairy Tales throughout the year ... and some other events / creative happenings inspired by the movie The Shining.

7. am going to watch a lot less cable television. Uhghhgh.

8. will exercise a lot more. That track suit I bought isn't going to wear itself, after all, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to get quite the reproachful glare when I head back to the gym this January. ... Yeah, I bought a full body track suit. It's actually pretty stylish for me, considering I once thought grey tights two sizes too small were awesome aerobics attire. Lord only knows how I managed to even stretch without ripping them in half. Also, I will eat less crap. This resolution does not include coffee, because coffee is awesome.

9. will spend more time with wee Connor!

10. Road trip with Jamie this summer... how far we get depends on how much money we have in our pockets that day. I am a master road tripper. Get me into a car and throw on an awesome soundtrack and I'm set for hours. Unless you are asking me to read something in a moving vehicle. Then, watch out.

I have tons of plans, least of which is to create more projects and events, including business cards and a website overhaul, as well as a whole new artistic direction for 2010.

Happy New Year, Internet!


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