Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let the Sunshine In! : Sneak Peek continued!

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 10:05 AM

I love when fall falls back! Today I am going to make Finnish pancakes, Hoito-style. Autumn always puts me in a cooking sort of mood, because last night I whipped up a batch of Italian Wedding Soup for Jamie and I (basically: cook carrots, celery, onions (optional), 2 cloves of garlic and zucchini in the bottom of a big pot, add in a large can of diced tomatoes, then two containers of chicken or veg stock, salt, pepper, fresh thyme and rosemary, some chunks of kale or spinach, and either little meatballs or Italian sausage .. and ta da! Soup!), with big chunks of fresh bread and a little bit of cheddar. Mmmmm. Not to mention that tonight Jamie's mom is making Komler, a super delicious Norwegian dumpling. I have put in a request for Jamie to bring me some at work! Hooray!

I went to the Evans school shopping fair yesterday with my mom -- it started out as a day full of homework and photo editing, so I had on the closest thing to pajamas I could muster in public. Somehow, this turned into a day of shopping fairs, hunting down Krispy Kreme donuts for a very excited Jamie, and lots and lots of coffee. My favourite part of the shopping fair was Lolita's Luggage -- beautiful knit items, including the most clever and awesome scarf ever. It has a pocket for your iPod! Check out her etsy shop here.

I have another photo shoot currently in the works, and it all depends upon the location, but stay tuned for updates and announcements about it! Below are some further images from the Let the Sunshine In shoot, a collaboration between Carolyn McKenna and myself. MUA : Elizabeth Toney, and modeling by Emily Hamel and Lacy Banks.

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Let the Sunshine In 667

Let the Sunshine In 679


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