Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Continuing Adventures of My Apartment Wishlist...

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 11:59 AM

On the weekend I made turkey soup from scratch and this week I did the same with pasta sauce. The pasta sauce needs a little bit of work as it still tastes absolutely nothing like Mel's grandma's sauce, aka, the sauce that had me skipping dinner at my own house 4 out of 5 times a week as a kid.

Jamie and I, believe it or not, are still in the process of properly moving into our apartment. We've got a few prints hanging on the walls (including a "vintage" X-Men poster hanging in our kitchen... sweet.)  and we recently redesigned our living room ... we've got this crazy huge chaise lounge that I love, but it's just one extra piece of furniture too much for our poor little apartment so we're constantly looking for the best way to implement it. We shifted around our bookcases a bit and now have a little reading area... which means I'm yearning after some fantastic floor pillows. But we still have a lot of empty wall spaces and our office needs a ton of work. Bookshelves like these Smart Shelves, or, how awesome is this Blu Dot Chicago 8 Box shelf?

I'm trying super hard to not get overindulgent with some of the super awesome holiday sales rampaging through my inbox these days, but it's a challenge. As a result, I just couldn't resist this beautiful Rosa the Owl from Urban Outfitters, or the discounted Fox Confessor print (which will soon be hanging in our bedroom). 

I'm also a huge fan of these pillows, which would look amazing on our couches. I quite like the fawn print, as well as the elephant print.

Not to mention these beautiful pillows from Urban Outfitters!

Our bed currently sports a light blue Ikea print duvet, but I really, really love this quilt from Anthropologie. (Side note, as I write this out, our upstairs neighbours seem to be possibly babysitting an entire city of children whose only activity appears to be jumping up and down as loudly as possible. My bookshelves are shaking!)

And this might make me a huge (yet so awesome!) dork, but what about pairing everything up with this lovely Star Wars movie poster? Awww yeah.


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