1. This beetroot pesto pasta looks SO GOOD. Jamie and I are on our crazy new diet (20 lbs so far!) and we have a cheat meal coming up on the 27th. We fully intend to grab everything we can eat in an hour, and then feel ill the rest of the night and remember why we made the choice to not eat like that anymore. I bet the pesto would taste delicious mixed with some quinoa! Hit the link for the full recipe and some beautiful pictures at Design Sponge.
2. Also from Design Sponge -- 5 Songs to Start Your Day. I love the idea of doing this. I recently sent off a pile of mixed cds across Canada and into lovely Portland ... and one even to Australia. I love finding new music and sharing new music, and then on occasion rocking out to said music until my disgruntled German neighbour from below pounds angrily on his ceiling. My apartment: incredible soundproofing through the walls, horrible soundproofing through the floors.
Game boy soap... which reminds me of the hours and hours and hours I used to spend playing Duck Tales and Super Mario on family road trips. (Via Red Velvet Art Blog)
4. The Art of the Title: To Kill A Mockingbird.
5. These amazing hair tutorials from A Cup of Jo.
6. Flores del Sol etsy shop. (Via A Cup of Jo)
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