- There are a few changes happening in the 2011 pricing guide, as well as some changes being made to payment policy (which will be outlined soon!)
-I'm also in the process of redesigning the entire website, with a hoped-for launch around Christmas / early 2012.
-I TOTALLY BOUGHT A BRAND NEW COMPUTER. YESSSSS. So excited! This will be such a help to efficiency and awesomeness. I feel like every time I say, "I just bought a new computer!" I should accompany it with a fist pump into the air. 80s style.
-I will be creating and posting a price list for prints ordered through me. Please note I've also created a change to the way in which you receive your prints -- cds can now be purchased in addition to the session fee.
I am also now booking portraits into October (only a handful of spots remain!) and November. It's a wonderful time to book Christmas portraits for your nearest and dearest. I'm also very excited to be shooting again this autumn with the Chilliwack Player's Guild! Tomorrow is the 21st Anniversary for The Book Man (THEY WILL HAVE CAKE), and you should probably go to it. You should also know that some of the advertisement they've used for the promotion features photography by yours truly. Last spring I had the joy of photographing the one and only Amber Short and it was the perfect response to what had been a very stressful, struggle of a winter. Thanks Amber, for the awesome photo shoot and also, for being able to jump higher than anyone I know.
I am diligently editing the remaining photographs from all the summer sessions and should have them ready to send soon. Watch for updates and longer sneak peeks via the blog!
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