Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Wishlist 2010!

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 2:06 PM

Every year I like to make a pretty concise wishlist of fantastic Christmas shopping finds, for myself and for others.

Yesterday Jamie and I did our first round of Christmas shopping, which somehow lead to us coming home with a small bag of Rocky Mountain chocolate, two scarves and a Lush vanilla and honey bath bomb... for our selfishes. However, on the plus side, we did make a solid plan for our Christmas cards this year which are going to be AWESOME.

Without further delay, here is my Christmas Wishlist / Gift Ideas for 2010!

1. Some of the amazing jewelery from Justine Brooks

2. This Urban Outfitters Laundry Bag. Maybe it's the ruffles, maybe it's the colour, or maybe it's the fact that most of my laundry somehow ends up on top of our dresser and drives Jamie CRAZY, but I have been pining away for this super awesome laundry bag forever now. 

3. A delightful iScarf from Lolita's Luggage. It comes equipped with a little pocket for your iPod! Sweet!! And she's local!

4. So very in love with this birdcage lamp from ModCloth. I don't know where I'd put it, but it'd sure be pretty.

5. I have an obsession with owls, so check out this adorable Leo the Owl Bank from UO.

6. I bought this yesterday, but national treasure Holly Black recently came out with an anthology lovingly called ZOMBIES VS UNICORNS!!!11 and it pretty much knocks my socks right off.

7. The Unbearably Cute Wallet from ModCloth.

8. Currently for sale at our local Book Man, Out of Print Clothing offers the most delightful tshirts referencing the covers of old classic books. I, personally, am a big fan of the "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" tshirt. 

9. This clutch from Anthropologie makes me think of the kind of night where you get completely dolled up, put your hair up 1960's style, and down shots of Scotch in between discussing politics and smoking fancy cigars. 

10. Fall in love with this Nest Ring from Fey Handmade.

11. Give a well-loved secondhand book from the Book Man

12. A custom camera strap. This one from High Key is pure win.

12. While you're at it, embrace film photography again with the Diana Dreamer. So pretty!

That's it for now! I have a date with a coffee and a couch and a mountain of homework. Can we say : one self portrait painting, one abstract self portrait painting, one collage covered with EnviroTex referencing newspapers, another technical project, a 20 photograph photography portfolio (10 film and 10 digital), one final project for photography featuring zinnias, balloons, cupcakes and vintage televisions, a paper about Marie Antoinette's clothing, two websites, a commercial, a super fun photo shoot, and probably something I'm momentarily forgetting. Whew.


Shannon Beth said...

I love the font that you used over the photos! Tres cute!

I should make a Christmas Wish List for my family and friends too. Seem they never know what to get me... why not make it super easy for them!

Sarah Sovereign said...

Plus it's so fun to do!! The font I used.. I want to say it's called "Print - dashed". Or some such thing. I got it off of a free font site!

Amy Nieto said...

Can we share that Anthropologie clutch please?

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