Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 10:17 AM

This'll be quick as I'm already in dire danger of being late for work! (And I'm not entirely sure I can make it across town on a thimble full of gas... but I believe in you car! Go car go!)

Yesterday I went to the Capella Dance Studio recital and it was awesome. It reminded me of my old dancing days (I am a girl who took five years of dance and seriously, NO ONE would ever be able to tell because I have the all the grace of an intoxicated elephant) and our old recitals at the Thunder Bay auditorium. I was always the pudgy girl in spandex watching the other dancers and getting a little winded half way through, but I made up for it with a toothless smile and the best darn bowl cut any dancer ever sported. I do love dancing though... oh how I miss my Masset days, turning up the stereo full blast so the whole neighbourhood could enjoy Ping Island Lightning Strike Rescue Op while Melissa, Max and I broke out all our best moves in our living room.

So many projects are going right now and I love it! Lots of planning, many different multitasking things coming about, number one of which is fixing up some postcards for my very favourite White Rabbit. Coming up near to the end of the month is a photo shoot, followed by a giant game that Jenn and I are planning. (Can we say, most awesome scavenger hunt ever?)

I really am now in danger of being late, so I must run. Stumbled in from the recital last night around 12:30 a.m. and Jamie tried to wake me up at 8. I'm pretty sure I rolled over and mumbled something about "SLEEP IN." and then immediately drifted back off to sleep. I leave you with some dancing pictures!

it's a party!
"I Think We're Alone Now"

Practicing our dirty dancing lifts!


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