Saturday, April 3, 2010

Art School Updates

Published by Sarah Sovereign at 7:31 PM

I've been working forever on a stop motion film. I posted the nearly-almost-kind-of-finished version up on Vimeo and YouTube a few weeks ago, but only recently polished up the final version. It's currently on display at the UFV art gallery, resting ever so lovingly in a cedar owl sized movie theatre box crafted by my super talented carpenter boyfriend.

I had a helluva time deciding on the soundtrack for the film, but finally settled on "The Coo Coo Bird" by The Be Good Tanyas. It's a song that reminds me of driving down the road to North Beach with my cousin Melissa, belting it out in our beloved and broken 4x4 "Pearl". The second part of the film features "White Winter Hymnal" by Fleet Foxes, whose whole album is kind of amazing. The video for Fleet Foxes is also amazing and stop motion as well. The final song in the film is "Melody of A Fallen Tree" by Windsor for the Derby.

I went through a few songs to reach the final set though, and discovered some great tunes along the way. If I were crafting a soundtrack for the film I'd maybe also include Baby Birch by Joanna Newsom and Little Life by Josephine Foster.

Totally unrelated to art school as well, but my parents got a new dog! He is a poodle spaniel breed of awesome, and he's currently stretched out beside the computer desk just chillaxing. He is super friendly, and still, even to Jax, who sneaks up like a ninja and strikes out at him every available chance. I will have pictures of him soon!

Finally, the semester is winding down and I have some big projects due. I finished my giant sized Ophelia portrait, which was an adventure in developing as the paper was too big for the developing tray, but now that that's finished, I get to work on a series in the vernacular. My plan is to photograph a series of seemingly innocuous objects and... well, it goes on from there. I'm still working out the exact plan of the project, but here's a sneak peek! :


moth pockets said...

Can't wait to see them! And which shot did you end up using for the giant Ophelia portrait?

Sarah Sovereign said...

One not on here yet ... basically her, sprawled out in front of the Chilliwack court house.

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